Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Frontenac Homecoming

In the southeast corner of Kansas, with a population of just over 3,400, Frontenac has a rich history. Frontenac was established as a coal mining town in 1886 in the Cherokee-Crawford Coal Fields. The town was populated primarily by immigrant families from eastern and southeastern Europe, predominantly Sicilian, Italian, and Slavic people from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On the night of November 9, 1888, Frontenac had the worst mining disaster in Kansas history, when a coal dust explosion killed 44 miners. 

In 1986, a group of community members held the first Frontenac Homecoming to celebrate Frontenac's 100th anniversary. As the community changed, the committee dissolved but has returned with a new generation in 2016. To learn about the activities of Frontenac Homecoming 2018, please find Frontenac Homecoming on Facebook here.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Family Growth through Friendship

Pittburg Mother to Mother Ministry provides opportunities for individuals of different racial/ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds to gather in friendship.

By offering support and mentoring with family struggles or simply sharing life experiences, people learn from each other. These new friendships empower participants to nurture healthy families and to grow as both individuals and members of society.

To learn more about this wonderful organization click here.