Thursday, September 15, 2016

Parents University 2016

Crawford County Parents University is a collaboration of local health, education and service entities, and serves as an informational resource for area parents and guardians who have preschool to elementary school-age kids.

The 2016 Parents University will be held at Meadowbrook Mall on Tuesday, September 27th. Car Seat Safety Checks will be provided by the Pittsburg Police Department from 5 -6 p.m. the "Family Fun Night" will be from 6 - 7:30 p.m. and will include a photo booth, obstacle course, tumbling mat, snack activity, sensory station, and crafts.

The event is open to the public but focuses on families with children under the age of 7. There will be door prize drawings.

Organizations present at the event include K-State Research & Extension, Via Christi Hospital, Headstart, Kiwanis, Parents As Teachers, Early Steps, Pittsburg Public Library, Mother to Mother Ministry, and Pittsburg State University Nursing Department.

Veterans of Southeast Kansas

In February, 2015, SEK-CAP formed the Veteran’s Leadership Advisory Committee. The committee is comprised of active duty military personnel, veterans, and/or people who work with veterans on a regular basis. The purpose of the committee is to discuss current resources available to veterans in Crawford County, identify ways to increase public awareness of those resources, and offer suggestions for future opportunities and programs.

The goal of this initiative is to ensure that the 2,685 veterans living in Crawford County have support with any reintegration challenges they may face and have meaningful ways to connect with and serve other veterans and the community. For more information about this organization click here